FastestVPN is the ultimate virtual private network available on the web today. Whether we like to admit it or not, we have a lot of people keeping an eye on what we are doing online. This goes from petty hackers to corporations to governments. FastestVPN allows users to browse the web privately like we were meant to. With FastestVPN, you no longer need to worry about who is looking at your activities online. 

FastestVPN is compatible with over twenty different devices. From phones to tablets and computers, FastestVPN can accommodate them all. It also allows up to ten devices to connect at once. I have never had that many devices connected at once, but it`s a nice option if I ever find myself in a situation where I would need that. What impresses me the most about FastestVPN is its use of AES 256-bit Encryption. For those who don`t know, this is military-grade encryption software that is trusted by security professionals around the world. In addition, I am extremely impressed that if FastestVPN thinks your connection has been compromised for any reason, it will disconnect immediately, protecting your privacy.

If you use public Wi-Fi like me, this will be a major benefit for you. FastestVPN will turn your public Wi-Fi connection into a secure connection due to its NAT firewall. This firewall blocks malicious incoming traffic like invasive advertisements, popups, and malware. The smart connect option is also pretty cool. It will connect to the best servers instantly without me needing to find it. FastestVPN is, by far, the best VPN software I have used in years. I`d highly recommend it to anyone worried about their internet privacy.


Publisher: FastestVPN

Company: FastestVPN

Country: Cayman Islands  

Money-back guarantee: 31 days

Minimal price / user: 1.66 USD

Payment methods:


Devices per license: 10

Mobile apps: YES

Number of servers: 800+

Number of countries: 49


No-logs policy: YES

AdBlock: YES

Kill switch: YES


Works in China: YES

Supports torrents: YES

Streaming servers: YES

Gaming servers: NO

IP Shuffle: NO

Split tunneling: YES

It is important to us that you will find the perfect VPN service for your needs.

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We do not feature all of the available VPN services, only those we have reviewed. We strive to keep this site constantly updated, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information at all times.