Free Unlimited VPN Proxy - The Internet Freedom VPN is designed to protect you when you use the Internet. Most people have heard of the term VPN, but there is a lot of misinformation surrounding what it actually means. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and is a connection method that provides an added layer of security when connecting to the internet. Whether you are connecting through public or private networks, Free Unlimited VPN Proxy is able to shield you from prying eyes that would seek to exploit your information.

It is worth noting that Free Unlimited VPN Proxy is designed for Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS, and it only works on Windows 10 and above. It is also worth noting that it is designed for 64-bit systems. Installing is fast and easy, and there is no charge to sign up.

One of the best aspects of using an application like Free Unlimited VPN Proxy is that you can access websites that would otherwise be blocked. Whether you are using a computer at a library, a school, or in a country where certain websites are blocked, using a VPN will allow you to access otherwise inaccessible websites. Whenever you use the internet, the topmost concern is always security because our lives revolve around the precious data encrypted in 1`s and 0`s. Everything from our banking to our online lives goes through the internet and is vulnerable to hacking or misuse.

There are very few ways you can control your data once it hits the internet, and so the best route of maintaining security is by controlling what data actually reaches the web. Whether it is your browsing activity, the sites you visit, the websites you log into, or any other personally identifying information, it is all vulnerable. Using a VPN is the best way to protect yourself from hacking attempts, extortion attempts, data theft, and any other cybercrimes. Free Unlimited VPN Proxy is an excellent choice for someone who needs a VPN but isn`t familiar with internet security. It is available everywhere for download and is a small file that won`t use a lot of data to download.


Publisher: Free Unlimited VPN Proxy - The Internet Freedom VPN


Country: United States  

Money-back guarantee: 14 days

Minimal price / user: 2.08 USD

Payment methods:

Trial: 7 days

Devices per license: 1

Mobile apps: YES

Number of servers: 50+

Number of countries: 21


No-logs policy: YES

AdBlock: NO

Kill switch: NO


Works in China: NO

Supports torrents: NO

Streaming servers: NO

Gaming servers: NO

IP Shuffle: NO

Split tunneling: NO

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We do not feature all of the available VPN services, only those we have reviewed. We strive to keep this site constantly updated, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information at all times.