TikVPN is a popular service that follows the mission of providing as many users as possible with an application that can, with maximum ease, connect them to a private tunnel that will erase their information trail from A to Z. With solid encryption and an extensive server network; it will become an indispensable tool. Saving money, securing P2P downloads, and accessing your favorite websites - that`s all about VPN.

All services are very different, and for example, TikVPN offers both a free plan with restrictions and a paid, more secure plan that can enter the field of competition between the middle segment of VPN services. It is straightforward to use and attracts many people who do not understand VPNs since even setting up the application is very simple.

VPNs are necessary tools in today`s conditions since the world is drowning in blocking and restrictions on freedom of speech on the Internet. All this can be bypassed with just one click, and you can get back to the Internet as before. Moreover, you can take advantage of the location of another country, for example, Turkey, and pay for your subscription several times cheaper, thereby recouping the price you paid for TikVPN.


Publisher: TikVPN

Company: Tapcom Technology Limited

Country: British Virgin Islands  

Money-back guarantee: 30 days

Minimal price / user: 2.49 USD

Payment methods:

Trial: 7 days

Devices per license: 5

Mobile apps: YES

Number of servers: 2500+

Number of countries: 70


No-logs policy: YES

AdBlock: NO

Kill switch: YES


Works in China: NO

Supports torrents: NO

Streaming servers: NO

Gaming servers: NO

IP Shuffle: NO

Split tunneling: NO

It is important to us that you will find the perfect VPN service for your needs.

We aim to be 100% transparent about our reviewing process. We earn money via commissions from the VPN companies featured on this site, which we receive when you click our links and make purchases. This impacts the ranking, score and order in which the services we work with (and their products) are presented.

We do not feature all of the available VPN services, only those we have reviewed. We strive to keep this site constantly updated, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information at all times.