Total VPN is a modern service that allows users to connect to servers through a private tunnel to ensure security. This is not just a regular tunnel connection; it is protected by serious protocols and security standards. With the VPN service, users can access an antivirus that can protect against desktop threats, such as regular viruses or ransomware. When you purchase a Total VPN, you take yourself to a new level of protection and allow you to protect your devices in a way that they have never been protected before.

Total VPN server network is small, but it is capable of giving users the ability to connect to different countries and even continents. This variability has a highly positive effect both on protection and opens the door for users to save money on various services or subscriptions. We`ve all heard that some countries have regional pricing policies, so you can easily bypass them through a VPN. Blocking will not be an exception; they can also cost a couple of clicks and, importantly, your Internet provider, and, in general, no one will even know that you visited prohibited sites.

VPN services today are very serious tools subject to regulation by many states because they allow you to erase your digital footprint, if not completely, then very significantly. Total VPN will help you cover all traces of your browsing history and give you the tools to protect yourself. The service`s servers will provide average speed for all your purposes, so you will feel safe and secure.


Publisher: Total VPN

Company: Total Security Limited

Country: United Kingdom  

Money-back guarantee: 30 days

Minimal price / user: 1.59 USD

Payment methods:


Devices per license: 3

Mobile apps: YES

Number of servers: 50+

Number of countries: 30


No-logs policy: YES

AdBlock: YES

Kill switch: YES


Works in China: NO

Supports torrents: NO

Streaming servers: NO

Gaming servers: NO

IP Shuffle: NO

Split tunneling: NO

It is important to us that you will find the perfect VPN service for your needs.

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We do not feature all of the available VPN services, only those we have reviewed. We strive to keep this site constantly updated, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information at all times.