
by Qobuz

Qobuz is a music streaming and download service that provides users with access to millions of tracks in high-quality audio formats.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Qobuz

File size: 120.86 MB

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You selected Server #1 (GERMANY)

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All files are original, SoftRadar does not repack or modify downloads in any way.

This download is provided to you FREE of charge.

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How to install Qobuz

  1. Download and save the file (qobuz_softradar-com.exe) to your computer.
  2. Locate the downloaded file and double-click it to run the installer.
  3. If Windows requests confirmation for running the file, click "Yes" or "Run" to proceed.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Qobuz with your preferred settings. Let us know if you have any problems!
  5. Done!