Case Changer

by L2 ADVanced

A tool to easily convert copied text into various casing formats interactively.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: L2 ADVanced

Release : Case Changer 1.6

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The Case Changer software is a simple yet effective tool for altering the case of your text, interacting directly with your clipboard. Whether you require automatic text conversion or wish to do so on demand, the program offers an array of options to suit your needs.

This software features various conversion options, ranging from sentence case - where only the first word is capitalized, to lower case - without capitals, upper case - where all words are capitalized, title case - where every word is capitalized, and ultimately, toggle case - which alternates between upper and lower case. Toggle case can be especially useful for correcting text when you've accidentally left the caps lock on.

  • Automatic monitoring: If this option is selected, any added (cut/copied) text to the clipboard will be displayed with the chosen conversion.
  • Exclusion: This feature opens an exclusion list, that is, a list of words that will not be altered during conversion. These exclusion words are stored in the CaseChanger.xml file, which is created in the same directory as Case Changer.
  • Clipboard: This option copies the displayed text to the clipboard. An automatic change option is also available, which, if selected, updates the clipboard every time the displayed text changes. Note that if both Automatic Monitoring and Clipboard Auto-Change options are chosen, then the text can be cut/copied and pasted automatically, with the chosen conversion implemented automatically, without any further user intervention.

With Case Changer, you can manage the case of your text in an easy and efficient manner, saving you time while maintaining typographical consistency. Whether you need to convert a large volume of text or quickly correct a case error, Case Changer is a handy tool to have at your disposal.

"Case Changer effortlessly streamlines text editing by automatically managing and correcting case errors."
1. Operating system: Windows 7 or higher
2. Minimum RAM: 1GB
3. Requires clipboard access and functionality
4. Hard Disk space: 50MB for installation and database storage

Provides an array of text conversion options.
Automatic text conversion saves time.
Exclusion feature ensures typographical consistency.

Limited support for non-English languages.
No undo option for changes made.
Lacks a user-friendly interface.