Jungle Trek

by BrainTrain Kids

An interactive learning tool for preschoolers focusing on colors, shapes, numbers, and letters

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: BrainTrain Kids

Release : Jungle Trek 1.5

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The 'Jungle Trek' software is an innovative digital educational resource designed to assist kindergarten students in learning and understanding various basic concepts such as colors, shapes, letters, numbers, and the concept of size. With 'Jungle Trek', each student has the opportunity to have fun while learning through playful activities.

With coloring images that come to life, children explore the fascinating world of colors and learn to recognize and distinguish them. Familiarizing themselves with various geometric shapes, they develop their sense of spatial discrimination. An introduction to alphabet letters and words that start with these letters strengthens early language skills and word recognition.

  • Recognition and discrimination of colors through interactive coloring activities
  • Introduction to basic geometric shapes and development of spatial awareness
  • Acquisition of early language skills through exploration of alphabet letters and corresponding words
  • Learning of numbers from 1 to 10 to establish the foundations of mathematical skills
  • Development of visual discrimination and judgement through comparison of images of different sizes

With the 'Jungle Trek' software, students also learn to count from 1 to 10, thus laying the groundwork for essential mathematical skills. Moreover, comparing images of different sizes helps to develop visual discrimination and judgement. 'Jungle Trek' provides a pleasant and engaging learning environment for students, promoting their cognitive development in a playful and interactive manner.

'Jungle Trek' software makes learning basic concepts engaging and fun for kindergarten students.
Operating System: Windows 10 or higher
Processor: Intel core i3 or higher
RAM: Minimum 4 GB
Hard Disk Space: At least 2 GB available

Boosts cognitive development in a playful, interactive manner.
Facilitates learning of shapes, colors, numbers, and letters.
Promotes spatial awareness and visual discrimination.

Lacks advanced level content for higher grade students.
Not suitable for children with color-vision deficiency.
Requires constant adult supervision for effective learning.