MockGo 4.0.1

by Foneazy Studio

MockGo is a powerful mocking framework for testing and simulating applications and services.

MockGo software (version 4.0.1) is a powerful location-based tool that allows users to simulate GPS movements on their iOS or Android devices. The software supports various movement modes, such as walking, cycling, and driving, and enables users to set custom routes and speeds. The software also features a geolocation testing tool that helps developers verify the accuracy of their location-based applications. Additionally, MockGo can be used to change the location of social media accounts, such as Tinder and Facebook, for privacy reasons.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher : Foneazy Studio

Version: 4.0.1 (checksum)

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MockGo 4.0.1 (28.69 MB)
MockGo 4.5.2 (40.6 MB)