PloComp 10.06

by Isoplotec

PloComp is a tool for comparing and manipulating multiple PDF or image files simultaneously.

PloComp is a graphics viewer and editor software that supports various file formats including PDF, DXF, DWG, HPGL, and HP-GL/2. It enables users to edit and scale vector data, draw lines, circles, arcs, and other shapes, and apply various image effects. Additionally, PloComp includes features such as batch conversion, measurement tools, and the ability to export files to various formats.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher : Isoplotec

Version: 10.06 (checksum)

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PloComp 10.1 (30.2 MB)
PloComp 10.06 (8.85 MB)
PloComp 11.0 (30.52 MB)