Operating system: Windows
Publisher: NCH Software
Release : Express Dictate 8.05
Antivirus check: passed
The express dictates software is essentially a digital recorder that allows users to record dictations and allows the users to send the dictations to a typist from the computer automatically. There are several different variable recording modes, which include overwrite, insert, as well as append. The software allows users with several different ways to send their recorded dictation, which include email, LAN, FTP, and command lines. There are two different ways the dictation can be controlled, which are either the handheld device or the foot pedal. Did I mention one of the best features is the automatic nondestructive record editing?
There is also a voice activating recording feature that is very popular, so that will ensure that long silences in the dictation do not end up getting recorded. HIPPA violations can be a huge deal. Fortunately for our users, this software comes with a recording encryption feature to ensure HIPPA is not violated. Users are also able to attach additional files to their recording for the person who will be typing it up, or they can type in notes for the typists to read as well. Have you ever had someone tell you they never received their dictation? Well, don't you worry because users now have the ability to recover all of their sent dictations, so no one can tell you that you didn't complete your work anymore? Users also can back up their dictations to the hard drive or even another CD.
Excellent signal processing speed/quality.