Tomighty is a free timer for those who are used to working with tomatoes. It is usually used by people who need to focus on their tasks at all times, without being distracted by other factors. The essence of the method is to "split" the time of task performance into periods of 25 minutes. These periods are called tomatoes. Before starting the timer, you need to clearly set the task you want to perform. Then sit down and work on it until you hear a beep. Now take a break for 3-5 minutes and proceed to the next tomato. After the fourth tomato, take a long break of 15-30 minutes. The creator of this time management technique recommends to immediately write down distracting ideas that arise in your head while working with another "tomato".
Tomighty itself is quite simple. To start the countdown of 25 minutes, simply click on the program icon in the notification panel and press the "Tomato Start" button. After a period of Tomighty, start the break time yourself. It also takes into account long breaks after every fourth tomato. In spite of the fact that the recommended parameters of duration of working periods and breaks are set in the program by default, the user can independently change them in the window with settings. We do not recommend doing this, as deviations from the recommended values can have a negative impact on the efficiency of the workflow.
"Tomighty helps enhance work efficiency by structuring work periods and breaks, using the proven Pomodoro technique."
- a free timer for people working with the tomato method;
- Automatically starts the countdown of work periods and breaks;
- enables you to turn on and off the audio;
- allows you to choose the duration of all periods by yourself;
- takes into account the long break after every fourth tomato.