
by JtApplets Company

A pharmacy calculator for quick and accurate Alligation calculations requiring confirmation before use.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: JtApplets Company

Release : Alligator 3.0

Antivirus check: passed

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Alligator Ver. 3.0 is a cutting-edge pharmacy calculator designed to simplify alligation calculations. Its features allow you to input the volumes of two solutions with different concentrations, and it calculates the exact volumes needed to achieve a desired final volume of a mixture of these two solutions. The software then displays the quantities of each solution you will need to reach the desired final volume. This is extremely helpful when you need to verify your calculations or you require a tool that provides both speed and precision.

Alligator Version 3 was specifically designed to simplify pharmacy alligation calculations. It calculates the necessary volumes of two solutions with different concentrations to achieve a final volume of a mixed solution. It's an indispensable tool when quickness and accuracy are crucial.

Main Features:
  • Calculates volumes of two solutions with different concentrations needed for a mixed solution
  • Displays the quantities of each solution needed to reach the desired final volume
  • Easy to use and precise
  • Saves significant time in calculations

It's important to note that all calculations should be confirmed prior to use. The authors do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained within this software and suggested doses should not replace clinical judgement.

The main benefit of using Alligator software is it significantly simplifies and speeds up pharmacy alligation calculations.
Requires Windows 7 or above operating system
Minimum 1GB RAM required
Requires minimum 100MB free disk space
.NET Framework 4.5 or higher required

Greatly simplifies pharmacy alligation calculations.
Saves significant time in pharmacy solution computations.
Easy to use and precise.

Errors may occur due to rounding in calculations.
Limited to two solution alligation calculation.
Software doesn't offer multi-language support.
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