Bome's Midi Translator Pro is a powerful and versatile software application that allows you to create complex midi mappings, translations and filtering. It is a powerful tool for musicians, producers, composers, sound designers, audio engineers and anyone else who needs to map, filter, and translate MIDI messages.
Bome's Midi Translator Pro provides a fast and reliable way to create complex MIDI translations.
Midi Mapping:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to map incoming midi messages to outgoing messages. You can create one-to-one mappings, or you can create complex mappings that involve multiple incoming and outgoing messages.
Midi Filtering:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to filter incoming midi messages according to various criteria. You can filter on specific messages, or you can filter on specific data values.
Midi Translation:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to translate incoming midi messages into other midi messages. You can translate one midi message type into another, or you can create complex translations that involve multiple incoming and outgoing messages.
Midi Routing:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to route incoming midi messages to different destinations. You can route messages to different midi ports or devices, or you can route messages to different applications.
Midi Sequencing:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to sequence incoming midi messages. You can create sequences of midi messages that are triggered by incoming midi messages.
Midi Recording:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to record incoming midi messages. You can record incoming midi messages to a file, or you can record them to an internal buffer.
Midi Visualization:
Midi Translator Pro comes with a powerful midi visualization tool. This tool allows you to view incoming midi messages in real time.
Midi Controllers:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to control incoming midi messages. You can control incoming midi messages using various midi controllers such as knobs, sliders, and buttons.
Midi Triggering:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to trigger incoming midi messages. You can trigger incoming midi messages using various conditions such as note-on/off, velocity, or aftertouch.
Midi Transformation:
Midi Translator Pro allows you to transform incoming midi messages. You can transform incoming midi messages using various algorithms such as transposition, velocity scaling, and note-length scaling.