Bond Yield Calculator

by Business Spreadsheets

This tool automatically generates bond payment schedules and calculates yield to maturity.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Business Spreadsheets

Release : Bond Yield Calculator 3.2

Antivirus check: passed

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The bond yield calculator software is an essential tool for investors and finance professionals, designed to operate with Excel or Open Office Calc. It allows for the automatic generation of scheduled bond payments and calculation of the resulting yield to maturity. This software is particularly handy in analysing bond payment schedules and maturity yield calculations, even for unusual initial periods.

The bond yield calculator facilitates data entry by automatically creating a schedule and providing integrated help prompts. It also offers the ability to specify the number of decimals for the maturity yield calculation, thereby ensuring appropriate accuracy.

  • Automatic schedule creation: The software automatically generates a bond payment schedule, easing the task for the user.
  • Integrated help prompt: The software offers integrated help prompts to facilitate data entry by the user.
  • Resolution algorithm: A sophisticated resolution algorithm is used to calculate the bond's yield to maturity.
  • Compatibility: The bond yield calculator is compatible with Excel and Open Office Calc, and its open-source code allows for easy customization.

Furthermore, the bond yield calculator automatically creates a schedule that includes cash flow, amortization, and remaining principal for bond schedules. This provides a detailed view of a bond's performance throughout its lifetime. Thanks to its compatibility with Excel and Open Office Calc and its open-source code, this software can be easily customized and used across different operating platforms.

The Bond Yield Calculator simplifies tracking and analyzing bond investments for effective management of these assets.

In conclusion, the bond yield calculator software is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of tracking and analyzing bond investments. Whether for an individual investor or a finance professional, this software is a valuable ally for effectively managing bond investments.

Compatible with Excel and Open Office Calc
Integrated help prompts for ease of use
Automatic generation of bond payment schedules
Capability to customize accuracy of maturity yield calculation

Automatically generates detailed bond payment schedules.
Offers integrated help prompts for easy data entry.
Compatible with Excel and Open Office Calc.

Limited to Excel or Open Office compatibility.
User-interface could be more intuitive.
Open-source code may invite security risks.
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