KMZ / KML to GPX converter

by David Aguirre Grazio

KMZ/KML to GPX Converter is a free online converter that converts KML and KMZ files to GPX format.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: David Aguirre Grazio

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KMZ / KML to GPX Converter Software

KMZ/KML to GPX converter software is a powerful tool for converting geographical data from one format to another. This software allows users to easily convert data from KMZ or KML file formats into GPX file format. It is ideal for GPS users who need to transfer data from one device to another, or from one platform to another.

The KMZ / KML to GPX converter enables easy conversion of geographical data into the GPX format for integration into GPS systems.

The KMZ/KML to GPX converter software offers a wide range of features designed to make converting geographical data simple and efficient. These features include:

• Ability to convert data from KMZ/KML to GPX format
• Batch conversion of multiple files at once
• Support for multiple data types, including coordinates, points, lines and polygons
• Ability to view source data before conversion
• Ability to preview converted data after conversion
• Easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI)
• Ability to save converted data as a file
• Support for various input and output formats
• Ability to add custom tags to converted data
• Ability to customize output format
• Ability to add notes to converted data
• Support for various coordinate systems
• Ability to process large files quickly
• Ability to filter data before conversion
• Support for both Windows and Mac OSX
• Ability to edit converted data


KMZ/KML to GPX converter software is an essential tool for anyone who needs to convert geographical data from one format to another. The software offers a comprehensive set of features that make it easy to convert large files quickly and accurately. Whether you need to transfer data from one device to another, or from one platform to another, this software makes the process quick and painless.
1. Operating System: Any modern operating system, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Unix.

2. Required Software: An XML parser, an XML editor, and a KML/KMZ to GPX converter.

3. Memory: At least 128 MB of RAM.

4. Disk Space: At least 10 MB of free disk space.

5. Internet Connection: Required for downloading software and for using the converter.

Supports conversion of multiple KMZ/KML files to GPX simultaneously.
Maintains accuracy and integrity of data during conversion.
User-friendly interface, easy to navigate and operate.

Lacks advanced editing features for refined conversion.
May not preserve all original file attributes.
Conversion process can be slow.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Jake C.
I recently used KMZ/KML to GPX converter software and found it quite easy to use. It was straightforward and user-friendly. I was able to convert my file quickly and accurately. The converter also provided detailed instructions for the different steps, which I found useful. I had no issues with the output file and it worked perfectly. The interface was visually appealing and the software was lightweight, so it ran without any hiccups. All in all, it was a great experience.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Joseph K.
This software is quite usr friendly, but sometimes I've encountered some glitches and the conversion process took longer than expected.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Calum N*****b
This KMZ / KML to GPX converter sofware is quite useful and quite easy to use, but I had some issues with it recognizing some of the files I tried to converte.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Scott Ferrell
This software is designed to convert KMZ and KML files to GPX format, which is commonly used for GPS devices. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily import and convert files. The software also supports batch conversion, allowing users to convert multiple files at once. Additionally, it offers customization options for formatting and naming the output file. Overall, this software is a useful tool for those who need to convert KMZ/KML files to GPX for GPS navigation.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Blair Wesby
The KMZ/KML to GPX converter software allows for easy conversion between different GPS file formats.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Liam
Easy to use, efficient file conversion, preserves geospatial details. Quick, accurate, and reliable conversion process. Intuitive interface, excellent conversion quality, fast results. Simplifies conversion of location-based data formats. Efficiently translates KMZ/KML data to GPX format. Seamless transition between file formats, maintains data integrity. Perfect for geocaching and other GPS activities. Great for converting Google Earth files to GPX. User-friendly, precise conversion, ideal for mapmakers. Simplifies map data management, highly efficient.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Blake
Simple, efficient, reliable conversion tool.
Easy tool to convert KMZ/KML files to GPX format.
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