
by hexmagic

MobileMeter is an app-based mobile metering solution for delivering real-time insights into user behavior, usage patterns, and engagement.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: hexmagic

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MobileMeter: The All-in-One Mobile Metering System

MobileMeter is an all-in-one mobile metering system that allows you to easily access, record, and track mobile data usage on any mobile device. With its powerful and intuitive interface, MobileMeter is the perfect solution for any business or organization that needs to track and manage mobile data usage.

MobileMeter provides real-time insights into user behavior, allowing brands and marketers to tailor their initiatives to their audience's needs.

• Real-time monitoring: MobileMeter provides real-time monitoring of mobile data usage on any mobile device. This allows you to quickly identify and address any issues that may be causing unnecessary data usage.

• Flexible data plans: MobileMeter allows you to set up flexible data plans that can be easily adjusted to meet the needs of your organization. This includes the ability to set up different plans for different users, so you can ensure that everyone is using their data efficiently.

• Easy setup: MobileMeter is easy to set up and requires no special hardware or software. It is compatible with any mobile device and can be installed in minutes.

• Easy tracking: With MobileMeter, you can easily track mobile data usage on any device. This includes the ability to track usage by user, device, or plan type.

• Customizable alerts: MobileMeter allows you to set up customizable alerts that will notify you when data usage reaches a certain level. This allows you to quickly identify and address any potential issues before they become a problem.

• Reports: MobileMeter provides detailed reports that allow you to easily monitor data usage over time. This allows you to identify trends and take action to ensure that your data usage is efficient.

• Security: MobileMeter is highly secure, with all data stored securely on our servers. It also includes a variety of security features, such as two-factor authentication and encryption, to ensure that your data is safe and secure.


MobileMeter is an all-in-one mobile metering system that makes it easy to access, record, and track mobile data usage on any mobile device. With its powerful and intuitive interface, MobileMeter is the perfect solution for any business or organization that needs to track and manage mobile data usage.
1. Operating system: MobileMeter can be deployed on any platform that supports Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 or higher.

2. Database: MobileMeter has been tested on MySQL 8.0, Oracle 12c and PostgresSQL 10.

3. Browser: MobileMeter supports Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

4. Mobile device: MobileMeter is compatible with Android 4.4 or higher and iOS 8.0 or higher.

5. Security: MobileMeter requires HTTPS encryption and supports two-factor authentication.

Allows for efficient and remote monitoring of mobile devices.
Has user-friendly interface and easy-to-understand metrics.
Provides detailed insight into device's performance and battery health.

Lacks in-depth analytics and reporting features.
Interface could be confusing for beginners.
Limited compatibility with different mobile platforms.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Harry M.
I recently used MobileMeter software and I found it to be very user-friendly and easy to navigate. It was also very reliable and fast. I liked that it included a variety of features such as reporting, dashboards and tracking. The analytics were also great and very detailed. I found the data export to be convenient. The customer service was also very helpful. Overall, I found the software to be quite effective and I would recommend it to others.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Liam R*****u
I've used MobileMeter a few times and found it to be a great app for trackng my data usage, except for the ocasional glitch when it doesn't refresh the usage stats properly.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Leon J.
MobileMeter is a software designed to monitor and analyze mobile data usage. It helps users to keep track of their data consumption and avoid overage charges. The software provides real-time information about data usage, speed, and network coverage. It also allows users to set data limits, receive alerts, and manage multiple devices. The software is compatible with various mobile platforms and can be used by individuals or businesses.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Aiden U*****u
MobileMeter software provides a convenient and user-friendly way to measure and analyze mobile usage data.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Owen
Efficient, accurate for energy consumption tracking.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Arran
Efficient, intuitive, reliable data collection.
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