
by Scilab Enterprises

Scilab is a numerical computation engine for engineering applications for WIndows, Linux, and Mac

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Scilab Enterprises

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Scilab is an easy-to-use computing environment designed for scientific needs. It provides a wide range of mathematical functions, including differential equations, linear algebra and statistics.

The program works as a console, allowing you to enter various parameters and preset commands in order to get the result. That's why it will be a little easier for users with experience of working with the command line to master Scilab. However, before working, any user has to learn the commands for various mathematical operations. Under the Help menu you can find examples to help you understand the program.

One main benefit of Scilab is that it offers a comprehensive suite of mathematical functionalities and simulations within an easy-to-use computing environment.

After starting Scilab, you can start executing the various commands that can be found in the help system. You can test several commands, from variables like boolean that return only 'True' or 'False' to complex mathematical equations or even whole programs from different programming languages.

In addition, the program allows you to run physical simulations, such as wheel trajectory or black hole attraction. You can also generate charts, histograms, including three-dimensional ones.

OS: Windows, Linux, or macOS
RAM: 2GB minimum
Hard Disk Space: 1GB minimum
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or better

Open-source, making it accessible and modifiable for everyone.
Extensive support for data visualization and algorithm development.
Offers inbuilt high-level programming language.

Limited documentation and user support available.
Interface might not be intuitive for newcomers.
Lacks some advanced mathematical functionalities.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Charlie
Scilab is everything you need for your scientific calculation needs. It is able to perform a wide variety of mathematical tasks including differentials, linear equations, and statistics. Scilab allows you to set up various parameters and execute commands making it perfect for your computational needs.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Robbie
Scilab is a robust math calculation tool. Utilizing it is pretty simple. One can use this program to calculate exceedingly difficult math. When it comes to modifying math problems, Scilab is my favorite setting. Scilab's open source status, which enables customization for a wide range of issues, is another outstanding feature. On the other side, the thing I dislike the least about Scilab is that it is difficult to learn because it operates by instructions, and some people dislike using commands. Scilab, on the other hand, includes a collection of icons for modeling systems that make the process easier.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Christopher Goeddel
Scilab is a free and open source, cross-platform numerical computational package and scientific software written primarily in the programming language Scilab. It can be used for a wide range of applications including signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, numerical optimization, and modeling and simulation of explicit and implicit dynamical systems. It includes hundreds of mathematical functions, and a powerful integrated development environment for coding, debugging, and executing programs.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Jude C.
Scilab is a free and open source software for numerical computation. It has a wide range of tools for linear algebra and can be used for scientific and engineering applications. The interface is user-friendly and quite intuitive. It is possible to load and save data in various formats and export data to other software. Scilab also offers a good array of plotting features. The software also has a wide range of pre-defined functions, which makes it very useful for mathematical computations. Finally, the programming language is quite efficient and easy to use.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Thomas Weinbrecht
I've been using scilab for severl month now and I have to sya, I'm really impresed with what it can do. It's really powerfull and has a lot of features that make it really intuitive and easy to use. I've found it useful for data visualization and modeling, as well as for numerical calculations. However, I find the syntax sometimes a bit confusing at times, but overall it's a great piece of sfotware.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner James O******s
Scilab is a powerful open-source numerical computation software that provides a wide range of mathematical functions for solving complex problems. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to perform various operations, such as matrix manipulations, statistical analysis, signal processing, simulation, and visualization. Scilab also supports various programming languages and provides a vast library of pre-built functions for scientific computing. It is widely used in academia, research, and industry for modeling, simulation, and data analysis.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Arran
Versatile, free, comprehensive tool for numerical computation.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Ruaridh
Intuitive, user-friendly mathematical toolbox.
Ideal for complex mathematical calculations.
Great tool but the interface is kinda old school.
OriginLab is a data analysis and graphing (2D and 3D) software and runs on Microsoft Windows
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