BumpTop is a program that extends the capabilities of the desktop, making it three-dimensional. Your current desktop will be presented as a bottom and additional surfaces will be snacks. You can click twice on the wall and the cube will flip over, focusing on the elements of the wall.
However, that's not all, you can form several desktop elements in stacks. To do this, you need to literally outline a few elements with the mouse and select Create Pile from the drop-down menu. Elements will be assembled in a pile, and you will be able to manage it as a separate element. To view the icons in the stack, double-click on it.
On the walls there are initially labels of social networks, gadgets in the form of stickers, where you can write notes, as well as a window in which all the images found on your computer are dynamically changed. Any icons can be dragged between the walls.
BumpTop offers an innovative way to organize your desktop by transforming it into a three-dimensional, interactive space.
All operations inside the cube are animated. Icons slide like ice when moving and bounce off the wall when they hit the wall. When you move to one of the cube walls, the effect scrolls. When you double-click on the icon (opening a program or document), it starts to increase and as if flies into the plane of your monitor.
The program's disadvantage is that the interface is not fully translated, but it overshadows its advantages.
Update of 13.11.14: The program was purchased by Google and is not currently being updated by the developer. Its further development will be determined by the new owner.