Checketry is a free-to-use download manager that syncs up with your apps so that the user can track in-progress downloads in real-time on any device (PC / Mac or mobile.) Not only does that app track internet downloads but you can even sync it up to your gamer profile and track your progress downloading onto your pc or games console. This way you can know the moment that the latest call of duty or Rainbow Six is ready to play in Real-time. This manager is multi-platform so not only can run the software on many different types of devices but the software can track many different kinds of apps from stock trading apps to video conferencing applications. Checketry protects your privacy by not keeping track of any personal data whatsoever. They don't keep track of browsing history or of any kind. They don't even keep track of the apps you have synced to your account. Your login information is saved on their secure servers but that is purely for authentication. Setting up your account is quick and easy. Most social media accounts can be used for registering your account. There is an active community of online support right on the companies website. These pages provide links to helpful subreddits and online documentation that gives helpful tips and instruction on a variety of helpful topics. The site also has a support center that is available for helpful support 24 hours a day. The support section covers a plethora of topics to get you started on using the app right away. This a hard recommendation for anyone who wants to take first-hand control over their download activity.
The software is mult-platform so if works on many kinds of devices.Features:
Active online community on the subreddit provides ample amounts of help and is also a great place to be sociable.