Free Word Search Puzzle Maker
Word Search Puzzle Maker is a free software program that allows users to quickly and easily create custom word search puzzles.
Desktop Restore
Desktop Restore is a program that quickly restores your desktop back to its original state after any changes have been made.
Active Desktop Plus
Active Desktop Plus is a software that allows users to add interactive and customizable content to their Windows desktop.
IndieVolume is a Windows application that allows users to adjust the volume and audio settings of individual applications.
Screen Highlighter
Highlighter is a screen annotation software that allows users to highlight, annotate, and share screenshots with annotations.
MB-Ruler is a tool for measuring distances and angles on the screen of your computer.
Free Virtual Keyboard
A Free Virtual Keyboard is a software application that emulates a physical keyboard on a computer or other device, allowing a user to input text and perform other tasks without having to use a physical keyboard.
Start Menu 10
Menu 10 is an easy-to-use start menu utility for Windows that provides quick access to all of your programs, documents, and settings.
Open Command Prompt Here
Command Prompt Here is a Windows utility program that allows users to launch a command prompt window from any directory on their computer.
TAGO Fences
TAGO Fences is an easy-to-use program that helps you organize your desktop, create custom icons, and manage multiple virtual desktops.
A fast and easy application that allows you to update your computer features.
MaxTo is a window manager that helps users maximize their workspace by organizing windows into separate, non-overlapping regions.
Slice Screen Tool
Slice Screen Tool is a screen capture tool that helps you quickly and easily create screenshots of any size.
Binsearch is a search engine used to find files shared on the Usenet network.
Google search bar
Google Search Bar is a web browser tool that allows users to quickly and easily search the web.
Logic riddle generator
A software program that creates logic puzzles for users to solve.
CenterTaskbar is a free Windows utility that allows users to center their taskbar icons for a more organized desktop.
Transparent TaskBar Tool
Transparent TaskBar Tool is a free utility which allows you to make your Windows taskbar transparent.
Custom Desktop Logo
Desktop Logo is a customizable application that allows users to create their own animated logos and use them as wallpaper for their desktop.
Virtual Display Manager
Virtual Display Manager is a software solution that allows users to create multiple virtual displays on a single monitor.
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