Mendeley 1.17.10

by RELX Group

Program that helps organize documents and search for them easier

Mendeley software (version 1.17.10) is a reference manager that allows users to organize and share research papers and citations. It has a web-based and desktop application that can be synced across devices. It also includes a social networking feature that enables users to connect with other researchers and discover new research articles. The software supports various citation styles and can be used to generate bibliographies.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher : RELX Group

Version: 1.17.10 (checksum)

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Mendeley 1.17.6 (53.53 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.7 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.8 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.9 (53.64 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.10 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.11 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.12 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.13 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.1 (54.68 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.4 (54.72 MB)