Mendeley 1.17.7

by RELX Group

Program that helps organize documents and search for them easier

Mendeley is a reference management software that allows users to organize and annotate their research papers. It also has a feature that automatically generates bibliographies and citations in different citation styles. Mendeley also enables users to collaborate with colleagues and share research papers and notes. Finally, the software can recommend relevant research papers based on the user's library and research interests.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher : RELX Group

Version: 1.17.7 (checksum)

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Mendeley 1.17.6 (53.53 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.7 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.8 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.9 (53.64 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.10 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.11 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.12 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.13 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.1 (54.68 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.4 (54.72 MB)