Mendeley 1.17.12

by RELX Group

Program that helps organize documents and search for them easier

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that helps researchers organize their research, collaborate with others, and discover new research. The software allows for easy import and management of references, as well as automatic generation of bibliographies and citation styles. Additionally, Mendeley offers a platform for researchers to connect with peers, share their work, and discover new research.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher : RELX Group

Version: 1.17.12 (checksum)

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Mendeley 1.17.6 (53.53 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.7 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.8 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.9 (53.64 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.10 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.11 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.12 (53.66 MB)
Mendeley 1.17.13 (53.65 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.1 (54.68 MB)
Mendeley 1.19.4 (54.72 MB)