Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

by Microsoft Corporation

Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio installs components to run applications

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Microsoft Corporation

Release : Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 2013

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Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio is an installer program that installs run-time components needed to run applications that are made with Visual Studio. There isn't much to tell with this program, and it's a simple tool that helps keep the user's system up to date when it comes to Visual Studio programs. If you've ever installed a new software like a video game, media program, or application, chances are you've got a run time error. This run time error seems like gibberish, but if you pay close attention, it will say something like Visual C++ run error. This error is due to missing components from the program you are trying to run. That is where Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio comes into play.


  • Free to use
  • Run all apps made with Visual Studios
  • Supports 8 different languages
  • Small download
  • No technical knowledge required.

As technical as the program sounds, there is no technical knowledge needed. In fact, after you download the program and hit install, it does all of the technical work for you. To be honest, I don't even consider Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio, an actual program. I literally consider it a software update because that is effectively what it's doing. Upgrading software so that certain applications can run. Now keep in mind, there are some programs that will run despite not having Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio. However, you should know that those programs might not run properly. A prime example is when one of my games will suddenly crash after about five minutes of play. I'd get the run time error each and every time.

Run any application that is made by Visual Studio

After doing a bit of research, I found that my computer was missing vital components to run these programs properly. Once I downloaded Visual C Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio, I haven't had a problem since. The install is incredibly small, considering all that it does. It's less than 7MB and downloads in less than three minutes. If you have a fast connection, you'll have it in about a minute. The great thing is that this program doesn't cost anything; you can download it for free at just about any reputable download website and enjoy the benefits instantly. I'd say 99% of internet users will need this program. Whether we know it or not, all of us probably use an application or program that was made by Visual Studios. I'd recommend it to everyone.

  • Windows 7,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 2008,
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 2012

Supports a wide range of programming languages.
Ensures smoother functioning of certain applications.
Easy and straightforward installation process.

May cause system errors if not installed correctly.
Doesn't support some older programs or versions.
Occasional conflicts with other Visual Studio software.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024

The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, for Visual Studio 2013 is a component that's necessary for many applications to function properly. It comes in the form of an installer that can be easily installed on any computer. This package is primarily designed for users of Visual Studio and has gained popularity due to its simplicity as you only need to download it and it receives frequent updates to ensure compatibility with different operating systems. However there are some limitations in terms of functionality. It is more suitable for users with knowledge of using the system. It's important to note that using this package without knowledge can potentially lead to system crashes since there are no settings available for users. When you install this package it includes components required by applications developed using Visual Studio 2013. These components consist of libraries such as C Runtime (CRT) Standard C++, ATL, MFC, C++ AMP and OpenMP. The focus of these libraries is, on enhancing multimedia capabilities so that programs and games written in C++ can run smoothly. Therefore both developers and users find this tool indispensable. If you're unsure about which version you need there's an option available to download "All Visual Studio C++ Runtimes," which includes all the necessary packages.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024

The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, for Visual Studio 2013 is a component that's necessary for many applications to function properly. It comes in the form of an installer that can be easily installed on any computer. This package is primarily designed for users of Visual Studio and has gained popularity due to its simplicity as you only need to download it and it receives frequent updates to ensure compatibility with different operating systems. However there are some limitations in terms of functionality. It is more suitable for users with knowledge of using the system. It's important to note that using this package without knowledge can potentially lead to system crashes since there are no settings available for users. When you install this package it includes components required by applications developed using Visual Studio 2013. These components consist of libraries such as C Runtime (CRT) Standard C++, ATL, MFC, C++ AMP and OpenMP. The focus of these libraries is, on enhancing multimedia capabilities so that programs and games written in C++ can run smoothly. Therefore both developers and users find this tool indispensable. If you're unsure about which version you need there's an option available to download "All Visual Studio C++ Runtimes," which includes all the necessary packages.

Mon, Jan 29, 2024

The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, for Visual Studio 2013 is a component that's necessary for many applications to function properly. It comes in the form of an installer that can be easily installed on any computer. This package is primarily designed for users of Visual Studio and has gained popularity due to its simplicity as you only need to download it and it receives frequent updates to ensure compatibility with different operating systems. However there are some limitations in terms of functionality. It is more suitable for users with knowledge of using the system. It's important to note that using this package without knowledge can potentially lead to system crashes since there are no settings available for users. When you install this package it includes components required by applications developed using Visual Studio 2013. These components consist of libraries such as C Runtime (CRT) Standard C++, ATL, MFC, C++ AMP and OpenMP. The focus of these libraries is, on enhancing multimedia capabilities so that programs and games written in C++ can run smoothly. Therefore both developers and users find this tool indispensable. If you're unsure about which version you need there's an option available to download "All Visual Studio C++ Runtimes," which includes all the necessary packages.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Kai H.
The software provides a convenient way to redistribute Visual C++ libraries.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Thomas R*****a
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 are software components that are required to run applications developed using Visual Studio 2013. These packages contain libraries that are necessary for running Visual C++ applications on a target machine. They include runtime components of C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, ATL, MFC, OpenMP, and MSDIA libraries. These packages ensure that the applications run smoothly, without any errors or compatibility issues. They are available in both x86 and x64 versions and can be downloaded and installed separately, without installing Visual Studio 2013.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Ollie Q.
The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 software is essential for running applications developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Charlie
The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 are essential components that allow applications that have been written in Visual Studio 2013 to function on machines that do not have Visual Studio 2013 installed. The software is packed with a rich set of libraries which are vital in executing an array of tasks in the C++ environment. The packages are designed to support C++ applications to perform smoothly and accurately. It is important to note that the software has robust debugging tools and integrated development environments, which provide seamless work-flow for developers.
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