Wi-Fi Hotspot

by seraphinite-solutions

A tool for sharing network connections with other devices through a secure, customizable Wi-Fi access point

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: seraphinite-solutions

Release : Wi-Fi Hotspot 1.1

Antivirus check: passed

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'Wi-Fi Hotspot' software is a computer tool that enables sharing of your network connection with other devices by creating a Wi-Fi access point. It's a convenient way to turn your computer into a wireless router, allowing other devices to connect to the Internet.

It's capable of automatically setting up the Wi-Fi hotspot immediately after installation. However, it gives the user the option to modify settings as per their needs, and to reconfigure the software automatically in case of a change in environment. It's also flexible, offering several methods for creating the Wi-Fi access point.

  • Wi-Fi Adapter Selection: If multiple adapters are installed, it's possible to choose the most suitable one.
  • Lite VPN Integration: This feature allows easier use of VPN with the software.
  • High Security: It uses the highest security standard, WPA2, to ensure your safety. On Windows Vista and older versions, the WEP standard is used.
  • Resource Saving: A special technology has been used to develop this program which consumes very limited system resources.
  • Ad-Free: This software does not contain any external ads.

In addition to these features, 'Wi-Fi Hotspot' also offers legacy support, being compatible with Microsoft Windows XP/2003 SP3 and later versions. Moreover, it supports sleep mode, restoring the hotspot if it was active before sleep mode was activated.

The 'Wi-Fi Hotspot' software allows users to efficiently share their internet connection securely with multiple devices.

In conclusion, 'Wi-Fi Hotspot' software is a user-friendly and efficient tool, providing a simple solution for sharing your internet connection with other devices, while ensuring optimal security and minimal use of system resources.

Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP/2003 SP3 or later versions
Available Wi-Fi adapter on the computer
System with minimal processor and memory capabilities
VPN software for Lite VPN Integration feature

Creates a Wi-Fi access point for sharing connection.
User-friendly with adjustable settings.
Utilizes highest security standards for safe use.

Dependent on computer's Wi-Fi adapter performance.
Doesn't provide network monitoring features.
May experience connection lags with multiple devices.
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