
by Nir Sofer

Allows the user to view any cookies they have encountered.

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Nir Sofer

Release : IECookiesView 1.74

Antivirus check: passed

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This program works for Internet Explorer to display the information attached to cookies that users have encountered during their internet use. It collects the cookies into a list that a user can view all at once. They are able to sort the cookies based upon multiple qualities. Additionally, they can see which cookies are attached to which websites. Users can either save cookies or delete unwanted ones. 

Users can also alter the fundamentals of the cookies if they desire to do so. They can be saved or exported to files as well. Based on the types of cookies they encounter, they can block the websites that are attributed to those cookies. 

Users do not have to pay for this service, and it does not require any other installation of any other programs. It is a freeware so it can be freely shared and distributed. It is available in many languages. 

Users can take advantage of cookies by searching, viewing, deleting them, etc.

  • Provides a list of cookies
  • Users can organize cookies in whichever way they want
  • Cookies can be deleted
  • Contents of cookies can be changed
  • Websites attributed to cookies can be blocked


Windows operating system required
Internet Explorer browser installed
Sufficient storage for installation
Internet connection for updates

Allows for detailed viewing and management of internet cookies.
Supports all major browsers improving compatibility.
Very straightforward and user-friendly interface.

Not user-friendly for less tech-savvy individuals.
Lacks a comprehensive user manual or help guide.
Interface appears outdated and dull.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Rhys
This is a good software to help people clear cookies. A lot of people don’t know how to find cookies and in return they slow down computers. This is a all around good product that I would recommend to everyone including friends and family.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Robert Elfner
IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer. It allows you to view, delete and temporarily block specific cookies.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Finn Thuesen
IECookiesView is a lightweight software that helps users view, manage, and delete cookies stored by their web browsers. It has an easy to use interface and is compatible with all the major browsers. I particularly like the fact that the software allows you to view the path of the cookie and its folder. Additionally, it enables you to search for specific cookies and view the list of cookies in a table view. Furthermore, it also offers the ability to delete cookies directly from the software. It's also free and does not require installation. All in all, it's a great tool to manage cookies.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Archie I.
IECookiesView is a useful and intuitive software for managing cookies. It offers a variety of options for viewing, deleting, and blocking cookies. The interface is easy to use and the cookie information is presented clearly. It also offers an option to quickly export the data to an external file.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Finn X*******f
IECookiesView is an effective software for managing and viewng cookies, however it still needs some improvements in terms of user interface and ease of use.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Kian Cheri
IECookiesView is a free software that allows users to view and manage cookies stored by Internet Explorer. It provides information such as the cookie name, value, domain, expiration time, and more. The software allows users to search for specific cookies, delete unwanted cookies, export cookies to a file, and more. It is a useful tool for those who want to manage their online privacy and security.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Dylan E.
The software provides detailed information on Internet Explorer cookies.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Ryan
Effective tool for managing browser cookies.
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