Advanced Uninstaller PRO

by Innovative Solutions

A software that allows you to completely uninstall any software from your Windows PC

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Innovative Solutions

Release : Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12.22

Antivirus check: passed

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Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an application for optimizing the operating system and uninstalling programs installed on the computer. A built-in module called Installation Monitor in Advanced Uninstaller PRO is able to track all changes made to the system by programs installed on your computer. This allows you to remove them if necessary, so that there will be no trace of them in the system. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is able to fix incorrect system registry entries, remove useless shortcuts in the Start menu, remove toolbars, plug-ins and other unwanted browser extensions. The program allows you to manage the list of applications that automatically run with Windows, delete fonts, find and delete duplicate files, manage system services, clear the history of visited websites, as well as delete files and folders in a safe mode (without the ability to restore them). The program supports Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO comprehensively removes unwanted programs and optimizes the operating system for improved performance.

- uninstall the programs installed on the computer;

- Monitor changes made to the system during the installation of applications;

- Correction of incorrect entries in the registry;

- Search and delete duplicate files;

- clearing the history of sites visited;

- completely deleting files and folders (without the ability to restore them);

- Removal of unnecessary browser extensions (toolbars, plug-ins, etc.).

Simplifies and speeds up the application uninstallation process.
Provides additional system optimization and cleaning tools.
Offers real-time installation monitoring for easier removal.

The interface can feel outdated and unappealing.
Can slow down less powerful systems.
Lacks in-depth cleaning features.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Sam
Advanced uninstaller pro is a great software suitable to proper optimising of a computer operating system. It clears and completely remove every traces of an uninstalled software from the computer, by tracking every programs and files installed on the computer by removing menus, toolbars, bugs and plug ins and extension installed with a software. It simply work great for removal and uninstall of software from the system.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Euan
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Kayden
Advanced uninstaller pro for Windows has vastly improved the performance of my pc. I have an improved startup time, a less bloated hard drive and its also reasonably priced. The software interface is easy to navigate and use and it has all kinds of bonus features like getting rid of duplicate files and even startup virus protection. Thoroughly recommended.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Blair Orias
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a powerful software utility that helps you to completely uninstall any program or software from your computer. It also helps you to optimize your Windows system, fix errors, manage startup items, and remove unwanted toolbars or browser add-ons. It can also help you to find and remove malicious programs, spyware, and other malicious software.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Harry A.
I have been using Advanced Uninstaller PRO for the past few months and I must say it is a great tool for uninstalling software. It is easy to use and provides detailed information about the programs it uninstalls. The interface is intuitive and user friendly. It also has a great tool to scan for leftovers after uninstalling a program. It also offers support for multi-user accounts and the ability to customize settings. The program also has a lot of useful options, such as the possibility to create a backup before uninstalling a program. Overall, Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a great tool for uninstalling software.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Leo W.
I've used Advanced Uninstaller Pro for years and its great for cleanin up my PC and removing unwanted programs, its a must have in your toolbox!
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Benjamin Halberstadt
This software is an efficient tool for uninstalling unwanted programs and clearing up disk space. It allows users to delete leftover files, clean registry entries, and manage startup programs. Its features also include a file shredder, duplicate file finder, and system optimizer. The software provides users with detailed information about each program installed on their computer, including their size, date of installation, and version. Its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features make it a great addition to any computer maintenance routine.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Lucas B*****y
Advanced Uninstaller PRO software provides comprehensive tools for uninstalling and managing software on Windows systems.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Leon
Efficient, user-friendly, thorough in removing programs.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Murray
Efficient, comprehensive, intuitive interface, thorough removal.
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