Porn-blocker software is designed to protect users from viewing potentially harmful adult-oriented content on the internet.
BlueLife KeyFreeze
BlueLife KeyFreeze is an easy-to-use tool for disabling keyboard and mouse inputs to help you avoid unwanted interruptions.
FileHash is a command line utility for calculating the SHA1, MD5, and CRC32 hashes of a file.
Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete
Webroot SecureAnywhere is a cloud-based antivirus and internet security solution that provides advanced protection against malware, phishing, and other online threats.
Nova Proxy Switcher
Nova Proxy Switcher is a proxy switcher and manager that allows users to easily switch between proxy servers and manage their proxies.
iLok License Manager
The software programme is installed on the user's PC, and it communicates with the PACE database through our activation services.You may manage your iLok-enabled software licences and activation sites with the iLok License Manager programme.
Disable or Enable Write Protection
An application that gives users the freedom to alter files and protect files from alteration
This is an encrypted cloud to store your personal information.
A software which downloads porn videos from popular porn websites, to your computer.
Makes programs use a specific SOCKS proxy server; Hides your IP address and activity.
An Adblocker program that blocks various kinds of pop-ups by your choice.
Open source cross-platform network activity monitor.
Randomizer (formerly Random Phrase Generator)
An application that generates random phrases of letters and/or numbers.
Madleets Hash Identifier
Lightweight and compact programming application intended to distinguish records by their hash codes.
Distributed Password Recovery
An important software used for password recovery
Sticky Password Free
Sticky Password will assist you with remaining safe on the web and save time via consequently filling in site structures and passwords.
An application that allows you to log onto your computer using a portable disk
Free PowerPoint Password Recovery
Recuperate passwords for practically all renditions of PPT including the exceptionally more established variants
Free Folder Lock
A Main Software much needed to secure folders
Spam Terrier
A filter tool for mails is spam Terrier for Windows tools
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