Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan)
Administrators may connect to and administer remote desktops in LAN and WAN using Endpoint Central's remote desktop manager.
Mp3 Download Manager
Download songs and rearrange the songs
Developers can make precise requests on target websites using the free web testing tool OpenBullet.
Twitch Recover
Twitch recover tool is used to download, watch and recover videos from twitch accounts.
HubSpot Sales
Good way to fully organize your business and its leads in one place
4K YouTube to MP3 Portable
Portable software application that can download and convert youtube video clips into several different formats for later use.
MyRouter Log
The MyRouter software allows you to store and back-up modem and router log information for privacy reasons
RaiDrive is a useful program that make it possible to access google drive from any computer.
Simple Tab Groups
Simple tab group are used to maintain a multiple windows in a same time and access a page with reliability.
Motrix is a straightforward download manager that offers a tidy appearance right out of the box.
Winsock Repair
This software enables you to perform a winsock repair to fix windows.
A mozila firefox plugin to reduce or promote mouseless activity
PredictWind Offshore
An application that provides high resolution weather data
Kazaa Download Manager
A download add-on for Kazaa Media Desktop and other P2P file sharing utilities
DiamondCS NetCheck
A software that help us resolve the issue of internet connection
It gives free programming to everybody , like people , productive or non-beneficial partnerships.
4K Downloader
A cross-stage elective for KeepVid that empowers you to store any sort of YouTube playlists.
Find Similar Sites
Best software for find similar sites that have same functionality.
Listen to YouTube
An app to download video or only the audio of an youtube video.
GetRight Pro
A Download manager, Which allows user to Download and Upload files
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