Straightforward text editor with full Unicode support that aims to replace Windows Notepad
Scan to PDF
Allows you to scan documents to the PDF file format
Adobe Presenter
A software enabling screen-casting and video editing tools for various learning courses
Sublime Text
Improves performance of file watching easily
PDF to Word Converter
Software to convert PDF documents to a format compatible with Word
Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus
Designed for business or enterprise use, it includes all programs in Office Standard as well as Access and Skype for Business
PDF Editor
Add, Erase, & Edit Text. Print & Download- Free! Edit Your PDFs Effortlessly. A Modern Solution To Paperwork. Get Started For Free Today! Download Now
PDF Reader
A software for Windows used to allow viewing, printing and commenting on PDF documents
Open source editor with PDF viewer is what this is
SciTE is a free source code editor for windows
Helpful tools for sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon
Provides accurate reports related to Office programs (such as Outlook)
An office suite containing a word processor, spreadsheet, drawing program, and graphing program
Merge data from multiple excel workbooks into one workbook summary
QI Macros
An Excel add-in that can be used to draw control charts,histograms, Pareto charts, etc.
Kutools for Excel
A great way for beginner Excel users to create complicated and fancy Excel Spreadsheets!
A complete library of over 1800 documents for all business and legal needs
Add photos, "note cards" (on a virtual "corkboard"), thoughts and outlines into your articles
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