Family Tree Builder
Free geneology software available for windows
Free general management software available for Windows and Mac
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 / Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack
The service pack helps keep your PCs and servers on the latest support level
Advanced Uninstaller PRO
A software that allows you to completely uninstall any software from your Windows PC
Kali Linux
A program allowing one to install and run open-source penetration testing
The Hat
An application for drawing items randomly from a list
Install the latest USB devices on your program
RMClock utility
GUI application designed for windows use
ESET Uninstaller
A tool that enables ESET and antivirus products to be manually removed from your computer
Everest Home Edition
A portable free system information tool for viewing all major hardware components of a computer
Free PC Audit
Provides an audit for windows servers
Application that reports on hardware, software and configuration of a Windows computer
Allows for recouping files on CD for Windows
A software used to easily print books for an affordable price
WSUS Offline Update
System to make sure Microsoft office is updated
AnVir Task Manager
AnVir Task Manager provides convenience by offering all of its features in a single interface
Sonic Heroes
Action video game that can be used across multiple platforms
BlackBerry Link
BlackBerry Link is BlackBerry's official program for connecting your BlackBerry 10 device to your PC
COM Port Toolkit
Integral serial communications for Windows
Allows for the transfer of music and play lists
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