HP Battery Check
Check the status of the internal and external battery on a laptop
A physical performance hard drive test delivering maximum accuracy
Absolute Uninstaller
Remove unwanted and unneeded files in a matter of seconds
Corsair Link
Monitor your system performance features such as the CPU fan
AI Suite III
Get the real time information about your PC
ASUS WinFlash
upgrade the BIOS on your ASUS computers
Disk Space Fan
A handy tool that allows you to visualize your disk usage and clean unwanted/unneeded files
SRS One Click Root
A one-click phone rooting tool with multiple exploits
Monitor the temperatures, voltage and fan speeds of your PC
A USB capable of locking and unlocking your PC for security purposes
Glary Utilities
Scan, clean, and optimize your PC for better performance
A real-time log file monitoring tool for Windows
ATI Tray Tools
ATI Tray Tools (ATT) is a freeware program for ATI Radeon video cards
Analyze your hard drive status. Know whats cluttering your hard drive.
Latency Optimizer
A solution for problems with lag, latency, ping, and other online performance issues
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